Browse Tag by when pigs fly
Life as I know it

When Pigs Fly

Before launching this blog, I came across an whimsical news story I wrote prior to the 2016 election. In it, I speculated about the reaction of the news media, candidates and other government officials to the sudden appearance of flying pigs. There would be disbelief, I thought, but more importantly everyone would be forced to come to terms with all the things they claimed they would do as a result of this unlikely event. I hope you enjoy it:

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 31, 2016 – BREAKING NEWS: In what can only be labeled pademonium erupted today when a five year old girl asked her father for a baby brother. Her father responded, “Sure, honey, when pigs fly.” Imagine his astonishment when she pointed to the a slightly cloudy blue sky above where a v-formation of porcine angels was passing overhead. The man and his wife immediately fainted. The child, however, was ecstatic.

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