Browse Tag by memories

The Silver Box

Some say we store precious memories in a little Silver Box in our hearts. These are filled with good memories of people, places or things that shape our lives and predispose us to look upon anything new with skepticism.  Over time and without meaning to do so, we embellish their worth until they take on mythical proportions appearing as a mirage of perfection that never actually existed. If we let them, these memories become incomparable, irreplaceable and invaluable thereby creating a barrier to finding real peace and joy in the here and now.

The memories of PEOPLE we place in the Silver Box are complicated by our desire to make them immortal.  It is here their character is without equal, their love boundless and their flaws nonexistent.  In our hearts, they become the most understanding, selfless and generous individuals to ever walk the earth.  And while none of them were perfect if we told the truth, within the confines of the Silver Box we can say without equivocation the world is a better place for their having been in it.  And maybe it is.

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