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Life as I know it

Old Woman on the Hill

Before my daughter was born, my husband and I used to make trips to a little town north of our home to visit his parents. They lived in a little hamlet with only a post office which was about 45 minutes away back then, long before the busy bypass that exists today was ever thought of. On these trips we spent the time listening to music and making plans. We were young and invincible and getting older seemed like something that happened to other people but not to us.

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Life as I know it

Fall Top 10 To Do’s

Fall is in full swing. While some of us are really happy about that, there are those who may feel lost now that summer is over. Not me. I love the change in wardrobe, home décor and even planning meals based on the season. That means the holidays are just around the corner – oh my – barely two months away

Don’t panic. Enjoy every moment of the wonderful things fall has to offer. As always, I have to take stock and determine if I’m ready. Here are some things to add to your TO DO LIST:

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Life as I know it

Crisis or Crossroads?

Many people can relate to a midlife crisis and find themselves at a crossroad. This may be of your own choosing or thrust upon you by circumstances beyond your control. The origin is less important than how you react to it. Perhaps you decide to pick up and move across country (or the world) to a place you’ve always wanted to live. Maybe you decide to take up a new career. Or go back to school. Some may even retire all together to follow their bliss. I used to think folks who chucked it all to begin again were nuts. Lately, however, I’ve begun to think they are just crazy enough to be geniuses.

Sometimes our lives become stagnant, making us restless and unhappy. We sacrifice our sense of adventure because we believe others would judge us to be selfish if we chose another path. We are victims of our own success, accumulating not only stuff but burdening ourselves with crippling responsibilities and obligations. Somehow we are convinced that to change where we are and what we do would tear a hole in the space time continuum and life as we know it would be sucked into a black hole should we dare to disrupt what is expected of us.

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Life as I know it

My Top 100 Songs

Music has the power to transport you to a moment in time.   Just hearing the first few notes of song can evoke powerful feelings and memories that are etched forever in your mind.  The words may represent first love, a broken heart or to serve as a reminder you can love again.  Sometimes a song becomes a personal anthem, reminding you of inner strength when it seems there is none left.   Whether the moment is happy or brings with it a feeling of sadness, we are hardwired to relive those feelings as it becomes the score to the musical of life. 

As a hardcore Rock ‘n Roll kinda gal, there are just some songs that are meant to be belted out whether in the shower or on a road trip.  There are certainly some (like #35) that transcend genre and could be included on anyone’s Top 100. 

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Life as I know it

When Journals Attack!

I stopped writing in a diary at about 16 years old. According to Oprah, she has always kept a diary.  Always. Thinking this was the key to her success, I decided to give it a shot. Why should I squander all my brilliant ideas because I am too lazy to write them down?  Reluctantly, I began to scribble a few lines in a notebook but never got serious.  Time passed and I forgot all about it.

Years later, at a point when I thought my life and career were stagnating, I began searching for a way to get back on track.  I had no interest in traditional psychotherapy which costs thousands and takes years.  So, I did the only thing a busy, seemingly normal person might do.  I bought one of those pop psychology-in-a-box programs which explained it was possible to improve myself without all the fuss.  Essentially, that appealed to me because it seemed simple and painless.  Besides, I wasn’t twisted or anything so all I really needed was a psychological Band-Aid.  A daily boost -if you will.

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Life as I know it

Are you a Renaissance Woman?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a renaissance woman is one “who is interested in and knows a lot about many things.”  My first reaction when I read that was: define A LOT.  Then upon further consideration (and since I’ve often jokingly professed to be one), this ambiguity leaves room for me and countless others to claim the distinction.  Admittedly, I don’t rule a vast kingdom like Catherine de Medici of Italy, who was one of the very first renaissance women of the 16th century.  Obviously, given the present-day definition, royal lineage is not a requirement either. Good. This is one of the loopholes I was hoping for.

There are also no stipulations regarding whether your image must be carved into stone or bronze and placed in in a museum. No magnificent oil painting must hang in the Louvre of you riding bareback on a horse. These are all good things since the only decent picture of me is from the 1980’s with big hair and makeup slathered on with a trowel.  

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Life as I know it

Glove Box Diary

The fundamental differences between men and women extends far beyond physiology and any other -ology you can come up with.  Scientists have studied this exhaustively and one researcher famously pontificated we were from Mars and Venus respectively. While all of this may be true (and I don’t mean to belittle the scientific community) one only need examine how men and women use the available storage in their cars to understand their true differences.

Take for instance, the glove compartment. The car, invented by a man, needed a place to hold gloves specifically used for the purpose of driving. In the early days of the automobile, the driving ensemble was part of the whole package. In advertisements for convertibles, it was common to see a gentleman wearing not only gloves, but a cap and scarf as well.  One can only assume it was important to look dashing while driving around looking like a pilot. Naturally a convenient place to store all this paraphernalia when not in use was needed, so the glove compartment was born. Since men did most of the driving in the early days, it seems only fitting they would claim the glove compartment as their own.

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The Silver Box

Some say we store precious memories in a little Silver Box in our hearts. These are filled with good memories of people, places or things that shape our lives and predispose us to look upon anything new with skepticism.  Over time and without meaning to do so, we embellish their worth until they take on mythical proportions appearing as a mirage of perfection that never actually existed. If we let them, these memories become incomparable, irreplaceable and invaluable thereby creating a barrier to finding real peace and joy in the here and now.

The memories of PEOPLE we place in the Silver Box are complicated by our desire to make them immortal.  It is here their character is without equal, their love boundless and their flaws nonexistent.  In our hearts, they become the most understanding, selfless and generous individuals to ever walk the earth.  And while none of them were perfect if we told the truth, within the confines of the Silver Box we can say without equivocation the world is a better place for their having been in it.  And maybe it is.

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Life as I know it

Coconut Dreams

I have always said when my ship comes in I will probably be at the airport. But let’s imagine I am on a luxury yacht sailing through remote islands of the South Pacific. Suddenly a rogue wave capsizes the vessel and I am washed ashore with the only other survivor: a man ten years my junior with a smirk and crazy survival skills. Of course in this fantasy, I am a younger, thinner and more beautiful version of myself. Instantly the two of us realize we have only our wits and each other to survive and joke we are an older version of the teenagers from “Blue Lagoon”.

Unlike the original female castaway, however, I require certain beauty essentials to maintain my allure. My companion, however, is devilishly handsome with a 3-day stubble and hair a few days past its ordinary styling schedule. While it is maddening how men of a certain age only appear more attractive when faced with a lack of grooming products, there are those of us who feel like Quasimodo without a blow dryer and lip gloss. So what’s a girl to do in such dire circumstances?

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Life as I know it

When Pigs Fly

Before launching this blog, I came across an whimsical news story I wrote prior to the 2016 election. In it, I speculated about the reaction of the news media, candidates and other government officials to the sudden appearance of flying pigs. There would be disbelief, I thought, but more importantly everyone would be forced to come to terms with all the things they claimed they would do as a result of this unlikely event. I hope you enjoy it:

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 31, 2016 – BREAKING NEWS: In what can only be labeled pademonium erupted today when a five year old girl asked her father for a baby brother. Her father responded, “Sure, honey, when pigs fly.” Imagine his astonishment when she pointed to the a slightly cloudy blue sky above where a v-formation of porcine angels was passing overhead. The man and his wife immediately fainted. The child, however, was ecstatic.

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