About Me

Hi, my name is Suzanne Darling.  Welcome to my life!  In this blog, I’ll talk about art, entertaining and organizing to make your home unique and stylish. But it doesn’t stop there.  Check out Life As I Know It  in the Lifestyle section to get a unique perspective on my personal journey.

For many years, I worked as a consultant criss-crossing the country for fun and profit.  Along the way, I’ve seen some great places and met fascinating people.  Traveling solo forced me to either fearlessly explore unfamiliar places or remand myself to a hotel room. By choosing not to be intimidated by country roads or mass transit, I have some great stories and tips I know you’ll enjoy.

Being a true Renaissance Woman, I also love to write fiction and poems. In this section, I will provide an on-going storyline that will have you begging for the next installment! You will find me to be very tongue-in-cheek and whimsical, not only in prose, but about life in general.

I want to inspire you to step outside your comfort zone, visualize the possibilities and act on your dreams. My grandmother used to say:  “Cain’t never could do nuthin”. This is the motto I live by.  Hopefully you will, too.

All the best,
